May 8, 20244 min readHOW TO RAISE YOUR SERVICE FEES WHILE ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM CLIENTS Raising your prices is not only a growth strategy but a tactic to attract high ticket clients.
May 2, 20244 min readHOW TO 5X YOUR REVENUES WITH 1 ACTION PLANRevenue growth is a critical metric for every service business.
Apr 24, 20245 min readTHE SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE 3-STEP CONVERSION PLAN TO SIGN HIGH-TICKET CLIENTS If you’re struggling to generate more leads, close more sales, and sign high-paying clients, you likely lack a proven sales plan.
Apr 17, 20243 min readHOW I SIGNED $37K WITH LESS THAN 5K FOLLOWERS ON LINKEDINMonetizing your LinkedIn presence is a combination of strategy and skill.
Apr 17, 20243 min readHOW TO WIN THE LINKEDIN GAMEOnly 1% of LinkedIn users post content. That means there’s a 99% space for all of us. But still, not everyone would crush LinkedIn this year
Apr 16, 20245 min readHOW TO BATTLE SELF-DOUBT AS AN AGENCY FOUNDER IN 3 SIMPLE STEPSAs a creative entrepreneur, agency founder, or freelancer, you've likely experienced the daunting feeling of doubting your ability.
Apr 16, 20245 min read4 PROVEN STEPS TO BUILD A PROFITABLE SERVICE BUSINESSEmbarking on the journey of building an agency, service-based company, or freelance business is grueling.